Senior Mobility Solutions Summit

Friday, September 20, 2024

8:30 AM – 12:00 PM

St. David’s Foundation
1303 San Antonio Street, Suite 600
Austin, TX 78701

This event is designed for Executive Directors, Board Members, and Senior Staff. Please use the form at the end of this webpage to register.

The Transit Empowerment Fund (TEF) cordially invites you to our first-ever Senior Mobility Solutions Summit on September 20th. 

People 65 and older are the fastest growing age group in Austin. As the senior population in the Austin-Round Rock metro area grows, there is an increasing need to inventory, coordinate, and innovate around mobility services that connect older adults to critical appointments and social opportunities. 

This invite-only event is a unique opportunity for leaders at key stakeholder organizations in the region to build relationships among one another, discuss challenges and opportunities, and spark new ideas for collaboration.  

Overview Agenda:  

  • Understanding Our Current Context – gain clarity on stakeholder roles, offerings and trends 
  • Exploring Challenges and Opportunities – discuss the scale and scope of ‘pain points’ and potential areas for innovation 
  • Envisioning Collaborative Solutions – identify how we might work together to develop new solutions and next steps for moving forward 

As TEF looks at how to collaboratively address senior transportation needs and considers future funding for planning and projects, we encourage you to join us to ignite a discussion on the local level

Please use the form below to register for this free event! Please submit your RSVP by Monday, September 9th.


RSVP: Senior Mobility Solutions Summit

Contact Details


Pre-Event Questionnaire

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