Photo provided by Capital Metro.

How to Apply

TEF supports the community through three ongoing programs: Transit Pass Program, Microgrants, and Demonstration Projects.

Transit Passes

TEF offers eligible 501c3 organizations, tax exempt veteran organizations, and governmental entities with discounted and free transit passes. The purpose of passes is to empower individuals to access employment, education, healthcare, or social services.

Passes must be used for individuals who are at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level, are transit dependent, and reside within the Capital Metro service area. Upon award, participating agencies are required to report on distribution of passes quarterly to TEF.

The Transit Pass Program application is currently closed. The Transit Empowerment Fund anticipates the next Request for Applications release in Fall 2024.

Demonstration Projects

The Transit Empowerment Fund (TEF) invites local non-profits and community organizations to submit letters of interest for planning or demonstration projects designed to address mobility and transportation gaps for low-income populations within the CapMetro Service area.

The Board is interested in learning about projects that:

(1) address a demonstrated need in the community;

(2) leverage existing resources or partnerships efficiently;

(3) support or leverage environmentally efficient modes of transportation such as shared rides, public transit, or active modes; and

(4) could be sustained through follow-on funding after the demonstration period. The Board will consider both planning and demonstration projects.

To apply, please submit a letter of interest (LOI) including a project description, timeline, and budget. Please follow the instructions outlined in this document. The TEF Board reviews Demonstration and Planning Projects on a quarterly basis.


Microgrants are intended to support a single event or project that meets the TEF mission of empowering people by increasing access to transit options. Microgrants may also be used to address a short-term need for transit passes in special circumstances. The maximum grant award is $1,000. To learn more about the Microgrant program and eligibility criteria, please click here.

To submit an application, please complete the form on this page. Applications will be reviewed by the TEF Board on a quarterly basis: in January, April, June, and October.