Photo provided by Capital Metro.

Partner Portal

This section contains resources for current organizations and entities that have received transit passes from the Transit Empowerment Fund.

TEF Bus Pass Distribution Report

The Transit Empowerment Fund is now collecting bus pass distribution data on a quarterly basis, rather than monthly. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR QUARTERLY REPORT.

Upcoming Due Dates:

  • FY24 Q3: July-September 2024 distribution data due on October 15, 2024
  • FY24 Q4: October-December 2024 distribution data due on January 15, 2024

Please note: If you need to submit an missing report from 2023, please use the 2023 Quarterly Reporting form. 

Thank you to all of the TEF Transit Pass Program partners who provided helpful feedback on your distribution and reporting processes. The TEF Board has shortened the data and reporting requirements to increase access to this program.

If you have issues accessing the form, please contact

TEF Transit Pass Program Distribution Tracking Log

Please click here to download the Transit Pass Program Distribution Log.

If you use this spreadsheet to keep track of passes that are distributed by your organization, it will help you prepare the information needed to fill out your reports to the TEF Board and yearly Transit Pass Program application.

The Transit Pass Program Distribution Tracking Log has been updated to reflect the shortened data requirements for the quarterly report.

Links to Submit Past Distribution Reports

Please note that distribution reports submitted after the initial reporting period will be considered late. However, a late submission is preferred to no submission.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please email Madeleine Jordan-Lord at with any questions you may have.

Organizations that receive transit passes through the Transit Empowerment Fund are required to submit quarterly reports on the bus passes they distribute to clients.

The quarterly reporting form is available on the Partner Portal. A reminder of the reporting deadline as well as a link to that reporting tool is sent out to recipient organizations. We will also send out an additional reminder before the deadline, which includes the list of organizations that have already submitted their report for that reporting quarter.

Reports submitted after the deadline are considered late. It is very important that you report your organization’s bus pass distribution accurately and in a timely manner. Late reporting can impact your ability to qualify for an abbreviated application (which is much easier for you to fill out and for us to process) as well your organization’s eligibility for free passes in the future.

If you know in advance that you won’t be able to report on time, please let us know. We try to be reasonable about the deadlines and will make exceptions if warranted. It is better to report late than skip reporting as this is where errors start to creep up.

If your organization does not distribute any passes for a given quarter, you will still need to submit a report. Simply indicate on the form that no passes were distributed that month.

Please save your quarterly report data for your records.

No. The Transit Pass Program Distribution Log will prompt you to record a unique identifier for each individual client you distribute passes to. The goal is to track how many new and repeat clients are receiving passes each month. Your organization may choose to use any system you would like as long as identifiers are unique to each client. Some examples of client identifiers include client birthdays, MetroAccess ID numbers, the last four digits of social security number, etc.

In order to use a reduced fare pass on a CapMetro bus, an individual must show the bus driver a CapMetro Reduced Fare ID card. As a result, TEF wants to make sure that these passes are being distributed only to individuals who actually have a CapMetro Reduced Fare ID card and can therefore use them. Riders with disabilities, seniors over 65, Medicare card holders, and active duty military personnel are eligible for a reduced fare ID card through CapMetro. For more information, please visit CapMetro’s page on their Reduced Fare ID.

MetroAccess is a demand-response, shared-ride service for people whose disabilities prevent them from riding CapMetro’s other transit services. All recipients of MetroAccess passes must meet Capital Metro’s MetroAccess eligibility criteria and complete their process. Learn more about the MetroAccess program here.

The TEF Board does not impose a maximum number. That decision is left up to your organization.

The TEF Board expects recipient organizations to distribute their awarded passes within 12 months of receipt. If for some reason your organization is unable to do so, please continue to distribute your awarded passes and continue to submit monthly reports until your organization uses up your supply of TEF passes. You may need to adjust the number and/or type of passes requested in your application to participate in the program the following year in light of your surplus passes.

No, the TEF Board cannot facilitate pass exchanges. Unfortunately, the TEF Board cannot purchase additional passes at a deeply discounted rate from Capital Metro during the course of the year outside of the annual transit pass program.

Stolen passes should be reported to the TEF Board within 24 hours. Please email with your organization’s name, a description of the circumstances, the number and type of passes stolen, and a copy of the police report, and how security procedures will be changed to prevent additional thefts in the future.  Please note that stolen passes WILL NOT be replaced by the TEF Board.

Please email if passes are lost or damaged to the point of being unsuable. Please include a description of the circumstances that led to pass damage or loss, the number and type of impacted passes, and how storage/security procedures will be changed to prevent these issues in the future.

TEF reserves the right to audit your organization’s tracking and reporting, so please make sure that both are as accurate as possible. Please keep records on file for three years.